
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Positionless Aspect based Sentiment Analysis Using Attention Mechanism.

Published in Knowledge-Based System, 2021

Apsect based sentiment analysis using masking technique to get rid of trainable positional embedding.

Recommended citation: Rohan Kumar Yadav, Lei Jiao, Morten Goodwin and Ole-Christoffer Granmo (2021). "Positionless Aspect based Sentiment Analysis Using Attention Mechanism." Knowledge-Based System. NA

Massively Parallel and Asynchronous Tsetlin Machine Architecture Supporting Almost Constant-Time Scaling.

Published in International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021), 2021

CUDA version of Tsetlin Machine.

Recommended citation: K. Darshana Abeyrathna, Bimal Bhattarai, Morten Goodwin, Saeed Gorji, Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Lei Jiao, Rupsa Saha, Rohan K. Yadav (2021). "Massively Parallel and Asynchronous Tsetlin Machine Architecture Supporting Almost Constant-Time Scaling." ICML.