BLE beacon based indoor positioning using variance-weighted KNN.
Rohan Kumar Yadav, Jae-Young Pyun (2018). "BLE beacon based indoor positioning using variance-weighted KNN." Korean Communication Society.
Rohan Kumar Yadav, Jae-Young Pyun (2018). "BLE beacon based indoor positioning using variance-weighted KNN." Korean Communication Society.
Bimal Bhattarai, Rohan Kumar Yadav, Hui-Seon Gang, Jae-Young Pyun (2019). "Geomagnetic Field Based Indoor Landmark Classification Using Deep Learning." IEEE Access.
Rohan Kumar Yadav, Bimal Bhattarai, Hui-Seon Gang, Jae-Young Pyun (2019). "Trusted K Nearest Bayesian Estimation for Indoor Positioning System." IEEE Access.
Rohan Kumar Yadav, Bimal Bhattarai, Lei Jiao, Ole-Christoffer Granmo, and Morten Goodwin (2020). "Indoor Space Classification Using Cascaded LSTM." ICIEA.
Rohan Kumar Yadav, Lei Jiao, Ole-Christoffer Granmo, and Morten Goodwin (2021). "Human-Level Interpretable Learning for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis." AAAI.
K. Darshana Abeyrathna, Bimal Bhattarai, Morten Goodwin, Saeed Gorji, Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Lei Jiao, Rupsa Saha, Rohan K. Yadav (2021). "Massively Parallel and Asynchronous Tsetlin Machine Architecture Supporting Almost Constant-Time Scaling." ICML.
Rohan Kumar Yadav, Lei Jiao, Morten Goodwin and Ole-Christoffer Granmo (2021). "Positionless Aspect based Sentiment Analysis Using Attention Mechanism." Knowledge-Based System.